Ahmad Nadalian Sand Print by Bicycle of Peace in Hormuz Island

In the middle of January 2009 I traveled to Hormoz Island. I used my bicycle and  realized my new environmental art project.  The tire of the bicycle bears an imprint of the phrase “Dream of Peace in the Persian Gulf” and anybody who rides the bicycle will cause the phrase to be engraved in the sands.

I was determined to ride a distance over 1400km on the sand. The distance symbolically is equal to the length of the Persian Gulf coast from Khorramshahr to Bandar Abbas.

I made use of an old tire and prepared the letters in English first and later attached them on another old tire of the bike.

I believes that by writing the phrase in English, it will receive wider attention in the media and will more effectively carry the message of the Iranian nation to the world.

I aim to promote culture of peace and preserve the geographical, political and cultural boundaries of my country Iran, and I believe art is the best means to help fight against distortion of the name ‘Persian Gulf’.

In early February 2009 many environmental artist traveled to Hormoz Island and we hold the 20th environmental art festival in Iran on the theme of “Human and Environment”.
